Friday, November 15

Random Bits

I've got no cohesive theme tonight, so hold on to your hats:

Porter turned right around from his stomach thing and was just out of commission for 24 hours. Earlier this week we had Porter's school friend over for some play, during which Porter was really excited to try his buddy's glasses.
One item on the agenda this weekend is Matilda's turkey project. The assignment is to give the turkey a disguise so he can avoid being eaten and to write an essay from the turkey's point of view. She is planning to disguise her turkey as a sheep to try and avoid getting eaten at Thanksgiving. Lamb seems like more of an Easter dish to me, so I think the turkey will be well served to keep changing up his disguise.
While volunteering in Matilda's class last week I got a glimpse at this awesome dragon she made with two other friends. They were reading My Father's Dragon and did this project to go along.
Tomorrow is the last day of soccer so we will get to see the results of the team pics!

This is my coffee server on Halloween. I forgot to post it earlier, but think that it needs to be seen by everyone!
I texted Tim this picture on Halloween as we decorated the porch, knowing full well it would give him a heart attack. Any guesses why?
Tim is captain of the hummingbird feeder around here, which you can barely see hanging up there on the porch. He was certain we would have a hummingbird casualty with our fake webs. Luckily those little guys are smarties and no birds were injured for our spooky fun.

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