Thursday, November 16

Play Date

Matilda just had her first playdate with a handsome little guy, C, from the library story hour. While there was little actual playing between the babies, fun was had by all. C was very interested in me and climbed all over my lap, fed me tortellini, and laughed at my silly play antics. Matilda was just as interested in their sweet dog and got several big doggy kisses. She was also excited by the new array of toys to thrash and very gently challenged C's sharing abilities. C's dad mentioned that he is unsure how to approach the sharing issue at this age, which was really nice to hear since I am feeling the same. We settled on distraction techniques for today. It was a fun opportunity to get the girl out into some new surroundings AND have intelligent, adult conversation. At least I hope it sounded intelligent - some days my brain really feels like mush lately so I can't be sure what was said. Regardless, I am looking forward to a repeat in the future.

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