Tuesday, November 7

Break out the Sunscreen and Turn on the AC

Can I just start off by saying how much I hate shopping? It is impossible to find a swimsuit this time of year. It is impossible to find anything in the stores other than the current "in" styles. Each store is always striving to have the same crap thing on its rack as every other store. I have no patience for it all! After much searching we found this swimsuit, the last one in LA County, on the clearance rack for $4.00! I hate shopping but a bargain does make it less painful.

Not that I want this shopping tirade to be construed as any sort of complaint on our ability to swim OUTDOORS in November. We are clearly very lucky and thinking of our poor, cold friends in the dreary, gray Northeast. Although I could use a little less of the "nice" weather - 101 degrees today was really pushing the limits of acceptable.

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