Matilda turned eight months old 30 minutes ago!!!
I took her to visit my old office today for the monthly weigh in and she is at 19lb 12oz. The weight gain seems to have slowed down now that she spends her entire day tearing in and out of rooms, over the furniture, and around the playground.
This week she just started putting her arms up to signal she wants to be picked up. It is the cutest thing and we can't help but drop everything to pick her up when she asks. Although yesterday I saw her do it when she was just playing in the corner, then look around, and then go back to playing - like she was just testing it out.
This month she is standing up on everything and really extending her reach:
Standing in the kitchen sucking on a dish towel. I am sure my great aunt Millie wouldn't approve, she would yell if you even threw the dish towel over your shoulder.
Standing up looking for me from the pack n' play.
And just plain standing up having a grand old time.
We left Matilda with babysitters, our friends Sarah and Gaurav, for the first time this month while Tim and I had a "date night." Matilda really didn't seem to notice the difference.
Matilda will tolerate being read to now and maybe even enjoys it. She no longer just tries to bat the book out of your hand so she can suck on it.
She celebrated lots of firsts. Her first "big" holidays with Halloween and Thanksgiving.
First trip in the shopping cart.
First swim lesson.
First trip to the Observatory.
What a great family I have. Each month that passes we have more fun with her and continue to be amazed.
I took her to visit my old office today for the monthly weigh in and she is at 19lb 12oz. The weight gain seems to have slowed down now that she spends her entire day tearing in and out of rooms, over the furniture, and around the playground.

This month she is standing up on everything and really extending her reach:

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