Thursday, November 9

Love Thursday

Karen at Chookooloonks started a theme of posting about love on Thursday so I thought I would join the fun. This past week I have been a bit of a night owl, staying up late after Tim and Matilda go to bed for a few moments of quiet time. While I enjoy the alone time and have been productive on my little projects, the even better part is then going to bed. We have been co-sleeping with Matilda and it is so sweet to go into our bedroom and see my family all sprawled out in the bed. I have to squirm my way in between them and shove everyone over a bit to make space.

Then as I lay there they both inevitable end up squishing back up against me. Whenever I will allow it, Tim has always thrown one leg over me to sleep. Matilda is just like her dad in this sleeping trait and somehow, even in her deepest sleep, will heave her little leg up onto me. I definitely have days that I long for a giant king sized bed all to myself to spread out in. But this week, lying in bed each night with my family around me, it makes my heart just melt with all the love.


Crunchy Carpets said...

Hee..Caity is our solitary sleeper...she looooves her bed.
The cats, the dog and Adam love our bed.

Even the king size leaves us all squished....but I don't mind.

Jen said...

Very sweet. I used to love to co sleep, but now I can't get my boys out of the bed. When they pass 40 pounds it is definately a lot less fun to have them squash up against you in the middle of the night. And when there's TWO of them...
But the sweet days of baby. Ah. Enjoy it! Happy Love Thursday!