Monday, November 15

We Need to Bake More Cookies, and other topics

Matilda's buddy was over today and we decided to throw together some brownies. Matilda could not be torn away from eating batter to look at the camera or answer me or do anything but obsess over eating batter. She was a girl possessed. I thought today about how she barely seems to enjoy baking because she's so worried about when can I taste it/how much can I eat/ give me that batter right now. I am going to try baking more as we head into the holiday season and see if she'll relax a bit with more liberal batter intake.

This is what it looks like when you wear underpants on your head to work.
Also, I found this discarded snack in the middle of the floor today. Not only was it discarded, but no one was eating pumpkin seed sandwiches, so clearly it was a thought-out sculpture-type offering. I don't think Porter can be blamed for this one.

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