Monday, March 23

Saturday Spoilin' for our Gal

We spent most of Saturday enjoying ourselves & spoiling our soon-to-be-3 year old. First up was a trip to Griffith Park for some soccer dribbling and exploring at the Old Zoo. Next Matilda & Tim rode the Merry Go Round. As the ride started she yelled,  "This is a good ride!" However, as the ride progressed she became a little doubtful. I can't blame her as it is the fastest, loudest Merry Go Round I have ever ridden. Tim's been trying to take Matilda for some Disney Soda Fountain spoiling for many weeks now but it never quite happened until this weekend. As usual, it did not disappoint. Matilda is generous with her ice cream. We kept asking her what flavor ice cream she wanted & all she could answer was sprinkles. In the end we ensured she got the sprinkles & chose her standard favorite of chocolate. 
Fun family times. 

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