Saturday, June 23


Years ago when Matilda revealed herself as an artichoke lover we bought a plant to grow in our potted patio garden. For a long time it survived in a pot, but it wasn't until we planted it into the ground this spring that it took off! It grew way bigger than we expected and dominated the little garden bed it was in.
This week we picked the three smaller artichokes on the plant finally. 

The kids have been insistent that we pick them all but I am holding out on the center one so we can all see how it blooms. This is what it looks like when cut open, but I can't wait to see it flower on the plant to show the fuzzy purple thistle center.
Here are the trimmed baby artichokes soaking in a saucepan today.
 I made marinated artichokes from the first Moosewood cookbook; we will see how they turn out after soaking for a day or two!

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