Tuesday, November 10

On the Map

We have finally put heads on the big map Tim brought home for Matilda. For a long time now he has envisioned this family mapping project & I am really excited how it has come together. We scored the map from his old work as the company was closing down. Tim printed tiny photos of friends and family and then we cut them all out and placed them on the map with double sided tape. A world map would be nice to benefit Matilda's sense of geography, but for now we'll embrace ethnocentricity (and put our international friends' floating heads in the Pacific and Atlantic). It is really fun to see the country all laid out with our friends and family.
A few parts of the map are a bit crowded, Upstate NY for example. Rather than being represented correctly in his home on the westside of Rochester, Uncle Brian has been squeezed out to the middle of Lake Ontario. Oops.
It makes Matilda jump for joy. Or maybe she's just still bouncing off the walls from Halloween candy?


Uncle Brian said...

Fortunately I am an excellent swimmer..haha

KK said...

I would be more concerned with your treading water skills.

Jess Butler said...

In light of the fact that I have a billion things to do today, I thought it would be a great idea to catch up on all your blog posts that I've missed out on in the last 2 months, haha. And I was rewarded by discovering that I made it on the map! So happy to see my little head hanging out on Manhattan.