Saturday, July 3

Watermelon and Wading Pools

We met a huge bunch of Matilda's school buddies at a local park where they fill this huge wading pool up. The schedule for the pool to be open is terribly cryptic and nearly impossible to figure out so we ended up there hours before the real opening time.
However, we had enough picnic food and park fun to keep everyone entertained and fueled until splash time. The other moms know Matilda's palette well and brought seaweed snacks and salami just for her so she neglected the lunch I packed for her completely. However, it all evens out in the end as her lunch got eaten by other kids. I learned long ago that someone else's food at the park is always better so I just pack enough to feed two kids, but not necessarily my two. Matilda's good buddy A is a huge fan of Porter and so sweet with him. After such a long wait the kids were totally bonkers when the pool finally opened and had a blast. They all stood at the edge chanting "not yet, not yet" while the lifeguard set up and filled it. No pressure, dude. About half the kids in this picture we know. So crazy to have such a big circle of play buddies after this year at her school.

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