Tuesday, July 27

Sounds Messy

Tonight Matilda told us that tomorrow she wants Porter to pee in the potty. She went on to say that she "really wants to potty train Porter as a little toddler now." I am really glad she's decided to take on that task, although I am not sure there are enough baby wipes in the world to deal with a 4 year old potty training a 15 month old.


Anonymous said...

LOL! Maybe we could have N as another pupil in M's potty training class?

KK said...

I say the more the merrier. I am sure Matilda would take on more students. I imagine the easiest way would be if we had some kind of big hippy commune for them all to run naked and free for a while until Matilda gets her lesson across. I think I know a place like that in NY where we can meet - it is almost like meeting you halfway.

Anonymous said...

I exactly know where you mean and we'll be there and bring our potty and some extra diapers, in case the lesson doesn't get across the first time.... :-)And we'll travel with suitcases full of chocolate - so the waiting moms will have something to do in the meantime..