Wednesday, July 30


Matilda got a heavy dose of comic indoctrination on Saturday as we joined Tim (and 40,000+ other folks) at the comic convention in San Diego. The conference is huge and far from just comics with booths and talks on all sorts of popular culture: movies, television, action figures, art and more. The entire event was quite a spectacle with no lack of entertainment for a toddler or a wife with little appreciation for comics. Lots of attendees dressing in costumes for their favorite super heroes or movie characters. She also had fun spotting all her other favorite super heroes: Hulk, Superman and Batman. Tim had slowly been giving her new action figures leading up to the convention in preparation.The highlight of Matilda's day seemed to be shaking hands with several different Wonder Women and one Spiderman. Sadly, I think all that hand-shaking led to the snotty cold she now has. Either the hand shaking or the sniffly toddler sharing blocks with her at the Lego booth. But, I suspect she might tell you a few days of mild fever and snot-nose were worth it for the thrill of shaking Wonder Woman's hand.  

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