First here are some pictures from the past month:

Matilda had her 6-month check up yesterday. Here are her stats:
17lb 11oz, 75% weight for age
25 3/4", 50% height for age
Her weight gain has slowed the past two months, which is to be expected. She is much more active and burning more calories. Plus she is really easily distracted from nursing by all the interesting things in the world. She did well with her shots and doesn't seem too sore today. The pediatrician thought she is doing really well and was impressed she went so long before getting her first cold. The nurse and doctor were both quite shocked with all her movement and both laughed as they said we are going to have our hands full with her soon. The nurse said, "oh, you guys went and had your boy first," commenting on her disposition.
We will start Matilda on solid foods today and are very excited for her reaction. It is amazing to me to see how she has grown and thrived on just breastmilk so far, what a wonder. Matilda is getting more fun everyday. She thrills her dad now by getting really excited when he comes home. She is babbling more with long strings of consonant sounds and consistently says mama when she is complaining about something. Her nubby rattle still seems to be a favorite toy but she is now fascinated with any kitchen utensils we give her. We are looking forward to another trip east soon to see Grammy and stimulate Matilda with more new sights and adventures.
1 comment:
Happy half-birthday Matilda!!!
"trip east" - woot!!
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