Wednesday, May 6

Fair Warning

Tomorrow I will have to face the hard reality of two kids since Mom went home tonight & Tim is back to work now. Which means that the blog posts here may stop immediately and you may never be updated on the cuteness of M & P again. Or at least never until July when Matilda starts pre-school (for a whopping 9 hours per week) and I have a spare moment to think again. Unless of course I choose to use those spare moments for napping rather than blogging, in which case I will really never be heard from. Because just look at that bundle, who could resist napping with him. 


Uncle Brian said...

There is nothing fair about that, I need my blog fix!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Max's and Paul's Dad said...

Hi Kristen,

well, that is real pity! I have read your stories about your "little" daughter M and now little son P with large interest. The photos of both are always very cute. But of course I understand your reasons. I know the short freetime you have with two little kids. Don't feel yourself pressured to blog in the next time. Take your time to become attuned to one another with your two kids. Things will sort themselves out all right. That need only a little bit time. And perhaps you will spare time later to write in your blog again.

Take care and best wishes,
