Since Matilda was sick last week we have really been restricting her from touching Porter & trying to keep her a distance away. It has been really hard for everyone, except maybe Porter who doesn't seem to mind not having his big sister hanging on him at any given moment. When Matilda woke up this morning the first thing she said was, "I get to hold the baby!" Tim & I both thought that the other one had promised her this, but it turns out she had independently decided. Tim & I agreed she is well enough and so first thing, right after the smiling, she got to hold Porter, which she hadn't done in more than a week. She was so pleased and so sweet with him. It is nice she is well again because now randomly during the day she will just run up to him and hug him (actually she usually hugs just his head, generally as he is trying to nurse) and whisper, "Oh Porter, I love you." Porter takes all the love really well and usually only fusses when she is hugging him so vigorously that it pulls his mouth off my boob from nursing.

In other, not so sugary sweet news, Matilda
could not comply with the no-climbing-on-the-coffee-table rule that I imposed at Sarah & Gaurav's tonight. I like how in this instance rather than reminding Matilda to get down, Tim first chose to take a photo. Note Stella & Porter chatting it up in the background, plotting the baby insurrection.