Monday, February 23

The Salad Works?

Friday we took Sarah out for lunch to the famous labor-inducing-salad-place, Caioti Pizza Cafe. She was 1 day past her due date and ready to step things up. With Matilda I ate the salad on Saturday and M was born Monday night. For Sarah, she had the salad Friday at lunch & her new little gal was born this morning after a long weekend of contractions. It would seem the evidence points towards a positive relationship between salad & labor. However, Sarah & I both also had spicy, spicy curry within a day of the salad as a further labor-inducing effort, making the data slightly contaminated and correlation hard to prove. Maybe in 8 short weeks we can conduct another study. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummm...I need my Matilda fix...You have to post extra now since Im sure you wont as much when the baby comes.