Monday, February 14

Valentine Cuties

Everyone wore their red finery today for the lovey holiday:
Porter in some mis-matchy red and black. Here he's taking a break on the walk back from dropping Matilda at school, trying to convince me we should ride a bus somewhere.
Matilda with a backpack full of Valentine cards on her way to school.Here's the newest little cutie in Rochester, Gemma, all decked out in her holiday finest! We took our carrot tops to Bunny Rabbit the bunny and Donut the guinea pig at school. They happily polished them off in no time flat.
While Matilda was at school Porter and I made some pink cookies. (At some point I remembered that I melted the red heart cookie cutter so instead Porter choose bats, dinosaurs, dolphins, sharks, and butterflies.) Then late afternoon we drove around to a whole bunch of our kid buddies and delivered Valentine cookies to their door.
It was super fun and everyone was so excited with the surprise. I highly recommend this type of activity. (Stella, Matilda thought I should mail you a cookie to India but I think we'll just owe you one.) The only problem was convincing my kids that we weren't going to settle in and play dress up or ransack the toy bins at each stop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stella looks forward to cashing in a rain check