Friday, August 13

Bathroom Adventurers

This morning at the grocery store Matilda announced she needed to use the restroom. Since I still had Porter in the cart, I let her go in on her own which we don't usually do. She went into the stall and locked it, "for some privacy" (her words). After another moment she called out, increasingly worried sounding, that she couldn't reach the paper. I peeped my head over from the neighboring stall to size up the situation. Illogically, I decided I could just toss her a roll. Keep in mind that this 4-year-old child of mine can still only catch a ball 10% of the time!

After several pinball-type bounces around the stall, the entire roll of toilet paper of course landed in the toilet, . At this point, I was laughing hysterically while Matilda was even more concerned with the situation. I attempted to convince her to hop off the throne and unlatch her stall but she was having no part of that, certain that "poop would go everywhere." She was busy trying to talk me into climbing under the stall when I realized there was a little slot in the front of the lock and I turned it open with my bobby pin. M was very relieved & but still saw no humor in the situation. I was at least thankful to discover that the now-drenched-roll-of-tp was not completely submerged, allowing easy removal and disposal. Just another normal day in the life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome adventure and I can totally picture you in there!!! LOL, Frusl