Saturday, June 27

Gone Buggy

Already known as an animal nut, Matilda has taken a special shine to bugs the past few months. When Grammy was visiting she got M this insect field guide that is now her preferred bathroom reading. She also learned the saying "Don't let the bed bugs bite" from Grammy, which led to looking up bed bugs in the guide. M is unnaturally fascinated with all the pest-type insects found in that sections: bed bugs, fleas, ticks, lice. You would think we are infested around here the way she talks. Almost daily lately she has been telling me she is itchy from fleas. 

A few weeks ago hanging with her buddy at music class Matilda pointed out a scratch on her friend face. Isabelle, the mom, said that she wasn't sure where the mark had come from and Matilda responded that it was probably a bed bug bite. Isabelle looked justifiably alarmed and inquired politely as to why Matilda knew about bed bugs. We tried to reassure her that it was still safe to come over for play dates & that there was not currently a bed bug infestation at our apartment. The closest we have come is a sand flea Tim found on him recently. For days after that M was claiming to have a flea on her. A girl can dream, right? 

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