Tuesday, September 11


You can file this potty training update under blog-as-baby-book since it may be too much information for some readers. For a few weeks now Matilda has been alerting us when she needs a new diaper, usually with a repeating chorus of "pee, poo, pee, pee, poo." We took this as a signal to step up the potty game and acquired a training toilet for her. As it turns out, she won't actually sit on the little potty and prefers using the regular toilet with her smaller seat balanced on it. Handily, this leaves the small potty free for GI Joe to keep her company in the bathroom. Each time she sings her pee poo song we offer a spell perched on the potty; frequently she accepts. Both Friday and last night she actually performed and was rewarded with huge praise and stickers, which she promptly ate. Matilda cannot be trusted with stickers and treats them just like the peanut M & M's my mom used in potty training us.

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