Wednesday, March 19

Spectacled Sweetie

When we picked up Matilda's glasses on Monday she was over the moon. Here she is beaming as she gets a glimpse of the world through her new glasses for the first time.
 I have such strong memories of the drive home from picking up my first glasses, seeing all the detail of the world in sharp focus again. It was really exciting for me to hear Matilda's thoughts and chatter as she experienced the same thing.  
The whole process of picking out frames took forever as she debated between so many great choices. This was her maybe pile: 

She especially loves the heart and rhinestones on the sides of her #1 choice, these candy apple red frames.
These calmer wire framed ones also have rhinestones to appease the almost-eight-year-old's flair!
The funniest part for me is realizing how glasses are in. I remember glasses seeming very clearly not cool in elementary school. For Matilda, her experience has been the opposite. The eye doctor confirmed that kids generally really want glasses these days and he even gets fakers coming in, seeking specs!

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