Wednesday, November 16

Sneaky Sous Chef

Tonight while assisting me in making pumpkin soup, I caught Porter drinking maple syrup. He had been left in charge of capping the olive oil and maple syrup after we put each into the soup puree. Instead, while I had my back to him, he very quickly and very neatly managed to pour several dollars worth of syrup into his water bottle. I can't even recall how he tipped me off to the situation, but I was impressed how carefully he accomplished the theft. The last dribbles that he didn't down before my discovery, we used to garnish the top of our soup. Delicious, even with moderate amounts of toddler backwash.


Lori / Gordie said...

Oh my gosh, I love that kid!

Lori / Gordie said...

You tell Porter (& Matilda) that Aunt Lori and Uncle Gordie are thinking of some special treats for them next week!!

Grandma Marge said...

sounds like Cheetos's time to me......