Wednesday, March 31

Questions for Bedtime

Matilda took a long nap this afternoon and as a result it took Tim eons to get her to sleep tonight. Her was telling her a story about the history of humans traveling in space. She got all excited about the subject:
"I didn't even know about satellites. I've never seen one of those. What else floats around the earth?" (I would not have an answer for her; Tim came up with space junk.)

Another day recently she was inquiring about "sugar bugs," the term our dentist uses for bacteria in your mouth that cause cavities. She asked so many questions about them: Are they small? Are sugar bugs brown? Are there sugar bugs in food? Are there sugar bugs in cake? Are they crawling on the top? Picture that the next time you are digging your fork into some sweet dessert.

We are reaching the age of never-ending questions & curiosity. I think Tim's mom can sympathize as this was about the age she gave in to his constant stream of questions and admitted the truth about the Easter Bunny and Jolly old Nick.

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