Friday, July 10

Rediscovering the Pool

We have been appreciating the "pool" in our building a lot again as it heats up around here. Our pool is actually a really large hot tub that the managers keeps turned off. If you actually wanted it hot you would need to plan ahead about 10 hours. Until last month we had never learned where the switch is to heat it up and always just used it cold in the hot weather. Some new neighbors moved in with a 10 and 18 year old who enjoy the hot part of hot tub and so we are waging a small battle with them turning the switch on and then us flipping it off. Sometimes we'll come home, sweaty from the park and ready to jump in when we discover our refreshing pool is in hot tub mode. (I think as the weather has really turned hot this week, however, they are coming around to our way of thinking.)

Matilda loves, loves, loves the pool and is fearless in it. Her new game is to try to get away from her adult swimming buddy because she wants to "swim by herself!" This behavior makes me terribly nervous and so I have been really reluctant to take her in the pool when it is just me alone with the two kids. On Monday, we had Porter asleep so I thought I would try plopping him into the jogging stroller while we swam, but he was having none of it.
Today we conned Sarah & Gaurav into coming over to watch Porter while M & I had an awesome splash session. (Thanks, guys!) I think as Porter gets older and more content in the stroller he'll be more game to watch us and M & I can get more pool time in. Or maybe we'll just get those new neighbors to start joining us at the pool more and take turns holding the baby while I supervise my little pool diving preschooler.

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