Saturday, June 18


We thoroughly exhausted ourselves today with a super fun and long day at Disneyland.
Porter was hysterical as we stood in line for our first ride (Dumbo); he kept crying about how he wanted to ride the ride. It really sounded like a matter of urgency to him and he was having difficulty with the waiting. (Of course our tolerance for waiting is very low and we avoid anything with more than a 20 minute estimate for the line.)
As if there were not enough stimulation, the kids all got ahold of Adam's phone like some future gamers.This is what Matilda looks like when she discovers that you have bought some cotton candy.
Happiest face on earth? Completely unrelated to the cotton candy, but instead appreciating the roller coaster as it drives by repeatedly "so, so fast!"
This was the first time we could ever convince Matilda to ride the big ferris wheel. She quickly claimed to love it. They all spoiled me by letting me run off by myself for a spin on the swings -my personal favorite. I discovered they have tandem ones M is now tall enough to ride so I am working on wearing her down for that next time.
While I was away on the swings, Matilda got to ride solo on her old favorite the Zephyr rocket ship ride while Porter and Tim sat one row back. In a sleepy trance on our next-to-last ride before hopping the shuttle to our car.

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