Thursday, October 21

Stolen Quality Time

For about a month now, Porter has settled into a solid one-nap pattern in the early afternoon. He will go down for a nap right after lunch generally and sleep for 2+ hours. His night time sleeping is still such a disaster lately that I am astounded everyday how soundly he sleeps during his nap. If we are home I can crash & bang and yet not disturb him at all. If he falls asleep when we are out, he'll sleep through endless transfers from car seat to Ergo to bed while I run errands. I am cherishing these 2 hours more than I could have imagined.

On non-school days I have been making an effort to use Porter's napping time to really actively play with Matilda, which I get to do so rarely it seems with all the distractions and tasks of day to day life.
It is a total no-brainer, but Matilda loves the time together and is so much better behaved, nicer with her brother, more helpful around the house, more everything when we do this.

I took this one just to show Matilda the big inkspots on her.
In response I got a super laugh and bigger smile.

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