Saturday, October 16

Sick Day at the Zoo

Matilda's school field trip to the pumpkin patch was Friday but she was too sick (fever & cough) to go. To ease her terrible disappointment, I took her and Porter for a quick zoo trip keeping her quarantined from other kids and "resting" in the stroller for the outing. The adventure really helped us all since keeping Porter entertained while cooped up in the apartment all day is quite a challenge. He needs to run and burn some energy and I need a break from telling him, "stop that!" It was cool and misty and the perfect morning for a zoo visit.
The wallabies had a ball, they were actually playing with it, and they wouldn't include Porter despite his repeated requests. He almost lost his mind.
Then P tried to climb in with the gorillas.
The bird show, while rarer now, still did not disappoint.

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