Tuesday, September 7

Best Swim Ever

One of my favorite things about camping in Owens valley is going to swim at Keough's hot springs. It is nothing too fancy, just cooled mineral waters in a big pool in the middle of nowhere. But combine the searing heat there with some thick camping grime (sorry fellow bathers) and it is just so awesomely refreshing.
At first Porter was not convinced. Actually, I think his biggest problem was that he was not on my person. To say he is mama-centric these days is an understatement.
Matilda jumped in over and over. I suspect she may agree with my "best swim" claim.
Don't trust Gaurav. He is slippery.
Stella supervises while P mucks in the drain water.
Maybe M just likes it because the water matches her eyes?
What a pretty gal we have; I am not biased.
Porter doesn't have any fun at all.


Anonymous said...

Maybe we could go for another swim at Schonbuehl together? Maybe P would like it there? Frusl

KK said...

Schonbuehl would probably win as best if it were fresher in my memory. I think we definitely need to return so I can compare!