Thursday, February 11

Blog as Baby Book: Verbal

Porter seems to really be turning it on lately with his communication skills. He parrots lots of sounds but has many words that he is really starting to use appropriately. The two most useful items in his repertoire seem to be "all done" and "more." As you can see in this video, he says "all done", but more he usually signs. It is one of the few sign language signs we taught our kids.
In the video you also hear him say "Da." That particular intonation of da is Porter's word for nurse. He has lots of D sounds (Dada, dog, doll, down, dat=that), but maybe only Tim & I can really tell them apart right now. Just yesterday, he finally started to say Mama! It seems appropriate that since Matilda said mama long before daddy, that Porter should say both Tim & Matilda's names before mine. I'll try not to be too offended that he also learned how to pant like a dog this week BEFORE he started saying my name.

Here are some other words he's saying, for the record:
kitty cat
sea gull
Matilda (til da)

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