Tuesday, September 1

Porter's 4 Month Check-up

Since there is little hope of ever completing a baby book for Porter (Matilda's has yet to be started), I better just keep documenting this stuff here. Porter is 97th percentile for height and weight: 18lb 15oz and 26.5 inches.
Porter's list of skills at 4 months is similar to his sister's at that age, with a few key differences. At four months he is super smiley and does laugh, but he makes us work a lot harder than she did. He is especially stingy with the laughs. Porter seems to be a bit of a worrier with a concerned expression often (Where could he have gotten that?). While he was sick last week he started sucking his lower lip for comfort, which only adds to the worrisome look. He just started on Saturday being able to stand supported, slightly ahead of Matilda. He can sit up using his hands for balance. He will amuse himself endlessly with his hands as Matilda did- sucking on them, looking at them, folding them together like he is plotting something. Porter is less skilled at actually holding things and gathering toys compared with M at four month- we liken his meaty fists to those claw machines, imagining that he's just reaching out to see what he pulls back with each time. Tonight was the first time he played with the "angry blocks." We gave this plastic set of blocks that nickname after they would endlessly infuriate Matilda as they got away from her. Porter was having the same trouble and couldn't quite get a grip on them, resulting in much yelling. However, his dexterity is improving so fast that even in just the past week we can see a difference - soon he'll be assembling model airplanes I am sure.

Porter has just started grabbing his toes and his man business, which is a bit dangerous during a poopy diaper change as he comes up swinging with a soiled hand. Porter has rolled over belly to back, but not often - our pediatrician pointed out that he has a lot more girth to move around. His list of favorite things include his baths, sucking on his fingers, and his sister, possibly in that order. Car rides are not yet on the list of favorite things, but he's yelling a lot less, so we are making progress.

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