Sunday, September 6

Anchovy Crazy

Matilda cannot get enough anchovies. We've bought & eaten more anchovies around here in the past four months than in our whole entire pre-Matilda lives. Her favorite pizza topping is anchovies so when we made pizza last week, she got 1/3 all to herself. The other 2/3 were spinach & strawberries, an unlikely, but delicious pizza combination we recently discovered.
Last night I made a huge salade Nicoise that we (with our neighbor friends) devoured. In the foreground is greens, steamed potatoes and grilled tuna, the background platter contains greens, steamed green beans, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, olives, hard boiled eggs, and anchovies - all dressed with a light tarragon/onion dressing. This salad is rapidly becoming a favorite around here since it is so fast, yummy and full of our favorite things.
Tonight Matilda requested anchovies again on her salad and ate almost the entire can herself. I think she'll be disappointed next time we go to a salad bar and she discovers that anchovies are not a standard offering.


Max's and Paul's Dad said...

Wow! What a pizza! Spinach, stawberryies and anchovies on a pizza ...that's crazy. Nevertheless the combination of spinach & strawberries sounds strange for me but interesting and maybe I'll test it too. The salad looks also great. Okay, now I'm hungry again. Stefan

aprilk said...

Mmmm, your dinners always look so delicious!