Wednesday, June 13

She's a Lover

As if she didn't already do a thousand things everyday to endear herself, Matilda is very lovey lately. It is so sweet and makes everyone go aaawwwwww. She has been handing out kisses left and right. She makes her toys kiss her, each other, and you. She asks to play the 'ride the pony' game that we've made up just so she can skip to the 'all tired out' cuddly part. She comes up spontaneously for hugs. She even gave kisses to the cast iron face on this park table.

Along the same lines she is very into sharing food lately. Yesterday during one snacking episode alone she offered food to: me, the cartoon on my shirt, my knee, my sock, a photo of Daddy and me, Tiptoes the stuffed pig, a block, and Hughie bear (pictures below). What if she's empty handed when the urge strikes her to share you ask? Never fear, this innovative girl will extract a pre-chewed bit back out for you. Please feel free to decline, she doesn't seem to be offended. Today she started a new routine during lunch. She would chew on her toes a bit and then offer them to me for a taste, then the nearby birds, then back in her mouth, and so forth.

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