We all had a pretty great day today. Mom was feeling well and had some energy to join us for a mall adventure with fountain splashing & a funny vegetable playground.

After dropping Mom off for a rest we all grocery shopped and then retreated home for some festive World Cup face painting. I gave M some stars and stripes to watch the game.

She gave me a dragon with black fire.

For dinner Uncle Brian worked his magic with the pizza dough and made 5 kinds of pizza, including one whole anchovy one for you-know-who.

Matilda worked her own form of magic on the sprinkles can by emptying it in record time. About 3 inches worth filled the bundt cake we made to commemorate Bri & Gia's belated birthday and some of the remainder still are scattered on the kitchen floor.

Gia was also very brave tonight & let Matilda give her a manicure. It was more of a whole-finger-polishing session but they both seemed pleased in the end.