Here's how the tree looked as we went to bed. Matilda came into our room this morning and announced, "Hey guys! There's a bunch of PRESENTS out here."

She had this candy cane in her mouth within 1 minute of being in the living room. All month when you asked her what she is looking forward to about Christmas, she would tell you candy canes as her first, fastest answer.

Porter got these baby snack puff things in his stocking as a "treat." He has since decided he is done with pureed food and wants to feed himself finger foods only.

Matilda only shares her bacon if she really likes you. This griffin made the cut, easily.

Last week we stumbled upon some crazy deals on Amazon and got a bunch of dress-up outfits for $4-7. This awesome poodle skirt outfit comes with a letterman's jacket with a sequin 'M' on it, coincidentally. For some unknown reason, M will not try the jacket on; she wants nothing to do with it. It is funny how unpredictable her reaction is to things, although she does often come around.

She is also quite wary of the astronaut outfit. She was none too amused when Tim tried on the helmet.

Porter, however, was quite enchanted with it.

The pigeon went over well. I never got to sewing those buttons on, so she is excited to help pick them out.

We added to Matilda's Wizard of Oz doll family with Glinda the Good Witch, the Lollipop Guild Munchkin and a flying monkey. Glinda was an immediate hit, causing her to snatch the doll up and spin, dancing around the room. Later they had a snuggle on the couch to recharge and currently M has all three dolls with her, asleep in bed.

Another dress-up bargain. She was very pleased with this one, her "fairy princess" dress.

Also of note, Porter started crawling last night! He did it a bunch today too, real-deal-on-the-knees crawling. Maybe he won't go straight to walking. Just another great day with my great family.